In Mississauga, Ontario, and throughout the suburban communities of the region, scrap metal dealers like Tal Metal are providing top dollar for scrap copper. With their long-established reputation, and a trusted name in metals recycling, Tal Metal has become a leading recycler of scrap, offering the best possible prices, based on fluctuations of the market.
Around the world, scrap copper supplies are very much influenced by the commodity markets, with supply and demand dictating the bottom-line pricing. For virgin copper, market watchers forecast pricing trends, and evaluate supply levels from copper mines around the world. But there are also “hidden deposits” of copper that don’t really show up on the stock market – these are the so-called “hidden deposits” of scrap copper.
Scrap copper generally comes from discarded copper - very often from copper wiring and copper tubing. And a good proportion of scrap comes from discarded air conditioning units, scrapped cars and vehicles, and a variety of waste building materials.
When scrap copper is abundant, large supplies usually come from “off-cuts” - waste from manufacturers, factories, and other facilites. All of this inventory makes up those “hidden deposits” of scrap. Industry statistics show that about one-third of copper consumption around the world is from scrap copper. So clearly, when demand exceeds supply, higher prices abound for both virgin copper and scrap copper. And, the opposite applies when supply exceeds demand.